The project is targeting three globally threatened species whose survival is dependent on favorable farming practices, promotion of agri-environmental measures among the farmers by establishing “good practice” demonstration farms as well as raising public awareness.

Project activities

  • Preparation and implementation of the capacity building training programme;
  • Preparation of the specified training programme and developing the long-term strategy for capacity building;
  • Preparation of the comprehensive training material;
  • Training seminars;
  • Gathering baseline information about targeted species;
  • Collecting existing data on Great Snipe, Aquatic Warbler and Corncrake;
  • Fieldwork on the most suitable breeding habitats of Great Snipe and Aquatic Warbler;
  • Detailed inventory of the Great Snipe;
  • Evaluation of the conservation status and management needs of the target species Promotion of agri-environmental measures by establishing “good practice” demonstration farms;
  • Defining the most valuable/priority areas for the targeted species conservation;
  • Habitat management agreements with farmers in the selected areas;
  • Management of the sites for the purpose of restoration of suitable habitats;
  • Setting-up of the visual infrastructure at the demonstration farms;
  • Awarenes raising activities;
  • Brochures about targeted bird species;
  • A brochure about demonstration farms;
  • International conference;
  • Information stands at the demonstration farms;
  • A guide to agricultural environment (a book);
  • Distance learning tool (DVD).


Zymantas Morkvenas
Coordinator of capacity building activities
Tel. 8 5 255 9145
El. p:


2009/07 – 2011/02


The project is implemented with the support from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and jointly supported by Lithuania.