Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania

ID code 110090837
VAT code LT100002936910

Kalvarijų str. 8-17

LT-09309 Vilnius

How to find us

Our office is near the Green bridge. After crossing the bridge, on the left side you should turn into the the second arc.

At the back of the yard you will see a house marked with number 8, go to the left side of the house until you see the entrance marked with green sign of our organization.


[{"title":"Kalvarij\u0173 str. 8-17, LT-09309 Vilnius, Lithuania","coordinates":"54.694111, 25.281106"}]

    Let's get in touch

    Employee contacts

    Zymantas Morkvenas

    Chief Executive Officer
    Biodiversity Conservation Expert




    Žymantas has been working in the field of nature protection since 1997. As he is a co-founder of NGO Baltic Environmetal Forum, he has been working here from the beggining. Žymantas holds a bachelor degree in biology and master‘s degree in public administration. He also has a long-term working experience in the sector of environmental issues. Žymantas is a head of Baltic Environmental Forum‘s office in Vilnius. While running and developing the orgaisation he enjoys the opportinity to work with enthusiastic people sensitive to environmental problems.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Biodiversity protection and management
    • Agri-environmental schemes
    • Environmental communication and interpretation
    • Development of tourism to experience nature
    • Management and development of environmental projects

    Still being a kid Žymantas had his most favorite tree where he climbed to sit silently and listen to the nature. He believed that the longer he stays in silence the greater is a chance that larger and rarer birds will appear for him. This listening to the rhythm of nature is an individual experience of nature that helps to reveal the secrets of surroundings and also assists in finding yourself. Additionally, it also shapes a different attitude to the current processes in society. Being occupied with thoughts about the economic development, concurrence we see the nature as an object to be controlled or even conquered. Žymantas believes that this way is not the right one and is always seeking for some good examples and tries to uphold the concept that people can get along with nature.

    Rita Griniene

    Environmental Communication Expert
    Deputy director




    Rita works in Baltic Environmental Forum since 2013. She coordinates activities related to communication and nature tourism (ecotourism), supervises volunteers and is responsible for the development of initiative Before, Rita  worked at the National Blood Center – organized donation actions, campaigned them, conducted educational activities and coordinated volunteers in all Lithuania. So far, she actively promotes non-remunerated blood donation. Rita grew up, later worked and volunteered in Žemaitija national park, so, she is well aware of protected areas’ system. A lot of knowledge about sustainable tourism and it’s development she has gained during her internship in United Nations World Tourism Organization. Rita has master degree in public relations (and information and communication bachelor’s degree), a lot of enthusiasm, persistence and Samogitian gunpowder.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Nature communication
    • Public education
    • Public relations
    • Ecotourism
    • Destination area development
    • Social responsibility

    Rita says: “Nature is not a beautiful exterior or background in which our (self-) portraits seem more attractive. Nature can not be desired or refused. We are in the nature inseperably, and nature is in us. This is an indivisible whole.”

    Rita Jonkuviene

    Financial Manager




    Rita joined BEF Lithuania in 2006. Previously she worked as a chief accountant and art manager in an open-air museum “Europos parkas”. Rita has background in management and business administration, as well as tax administration.

    At BEF Lithuania she responsible for general finances, cash flow and other financial analysis. Rita is also taking care of organization’s projects’ finances: planning, controll and organization of financial reporting.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Management of project finances
    • Office accounting
    Sigita Grauzinyte

    Project accountant

    +370 680 14710



    Sigita joined the team of the BEF in autumn of 2023. Previously she worked as a financial controller in other nature conservation and renewable energy resource promoting projects. She graduated from the ISM University of Management and Economics with a bachelor’s degree in Economics and has an extensive experience working with finance.

    In the organization she works as a project financier and is responsible for the financial accounting of projects.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Project financial management and administration
    • Financial Accounting
    Justas Gulbinas

    Environmental Expert



    Justas joined Baltic Environmental Forum in the end of year 2013. His main tasks are mostly related to sustainable rural development and agri-environmental issues. He coordinates the initiative “Report when nature is being hurt” and management of Dvarčionys meadow. After completing his Bachelor studies in geography and Master’s degree in social geography and spatial planning at Vilnius University Justas is interested in GIS (geographic information system) application in environmental protection, also, in the interaction between rural development, agriculture and environmental. The other not less interesting field for him is observing reflections of human activities and time in the landscape, which can be seen by comparing and analyzing historical maps.

    Fields of expertise:

    • GIS application in environmental protection
    • Sustainable rural development
    • Agri-environmental protection
    • Changes in landscape.

    Justas says: “For being able to see the beauty of the nature I have firstly thank to my parents. Now, time spent in the nature, traveling and exploration has become the way of my life. Every trip to the nature becomes a bewildering experience that you want to share. Maybe that is the reason why I have no questions when talking about nature protection and conservation, neither that you have to pick up your own trash after camping.”

    Giedre Janusauskiene

    Office and Project Administrator



    Giedre joined the BEF team in the beginning of summer of 2023. Her main responsibilities are the administration of projects and procurement activities, she actively contributes to the organizing events, and takes care of our office like her home. Giedre has a bachelor’s degree in Ecology and Environmental Studies. After the university, she gained her experience in other fields, but the growing desire to be closer to nature led Giedre to BEF.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Project and procurement administration
    • Office supervision

    Giedre says: “Traveling around Lithuania, getting to know undiscovered places, hiking along so-called and not quite forest trails, the smell of natural nature, “hunting” birds and animals with eyes and ears – gives me inner peace, the desire to love, create and protect the environment in which I live.”

    Petras Lengvinas

    Aquatic Warbler Conservation Project Action Coordinator in Nemunas Delta
    +370 662 20046


    Gabija Tamulaityte

    Environmental Expert




    Gabija joined the team in 2022. Before she was working as a project manager in a governmental organisation “Invest Lithuania” and also multiple environmental projects in Spain. Gabija acquired a Bachelor degree in Geography in Vilnius university, Lithuania and a Master’s degree in Conservation, Restoration and Management of Biodiversity in University of Granada, Spain.


    • Restoration and conservation of biodiversity;
    • Project management;

    Gabija says: “We are currently living in times, when relying only on environmental conservation, we are not able to preserve functioning and healthy ecosystems, habitats and species. Therefore it is crucial to work not only on conservation, but also on restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity. Often damaged ecosystems cannot be restored to their initial state due to lack of information, land use, social, economical, and other reasons, so we should look for compromises which would allow us to have sustainably managed natural and semi natural ecosystems with the support of local communities.”

    Grazvydas Jegelevicius

    Chemical expert




    With a short break Grazvydas has been working in the Baltic Environment Forum Lithuania since August 2016 , when he joined the team working on chemicals management. Prior to that, he worked for several years in public laboratories in the field of analytical chemistry. During his work he analysed environmental contaminants in food and environmental samples. Gražvydas graduated with a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Southampton, UK. This provided him with a background in chemical science, earth and ocean systems and atmospheric science. Through his studies and laboratory work, Gražvydas has learned a great deal about the interactions of man-made pollutants with the natural environment and with aquatic and atmospheric phenomena.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Analytical chemistry (GC-MS)
    • Environmental chemistry

    Gražvydas says: “We are connected to other beings on this Earth by a multitude of invisible links. By neglecting nature and polluting the environment, we are severing many of these links, or rather, we are completely destroying the invisible ecological network. This results in a deterioration of our quality of life, not to mention changes in the living conditions of other living organisms.”

    Egle Viciuviene

    Environmental Specialist





    Eglė joined the BEF in 2023 spring as an environmental specialist. She completed her bachelor’s studies in biology at VMU and is currently studying the Master’s program in Biodiversity at Vilnius University. Eglė is interested in the use of diurnal moth observation data in environmental protection by coordinating the diurnal moth monitoring program. Also, in conservation and restoration of natural habitats, butterfly ecology and dissemination of information about the importance of biodiversity.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Protection of biological diversity
    • Protection of diurnal moths and their habitats

    Eglė says: “let’s stay curious and curious, nature is full of undiscovered curiosities and secrets”.

    Ruta Rosson

    Coordinator of project activities





    Rūta joined the team of the BEF in 2023 in spring and is the coordinator of project activities. She graduated from Vilnius University with a bachelor’s degree in management administration. She has gained the most experience in the fields of sales, management, coordination and organisation of events and tours.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Event Management
    • Activity planning, coordination

    Rūta says: “for ten years, the passion of my life was horses, and now it’s nature and its conservation. Although I have been close to nature all my life, I have not seen its true beauty for a long time. That’s when I realised that I want to devote my energy to preserving it while we still have something to preserve. Because nature is the basis of our health and well-being. And the secrets and natural links hidden in it are unique and make you not to remain indifferent. It is unique and unrepeatable.”

    Birute Stuke

    Communication Expert





    Birute joined the team in December 2023. Previously she worked in eLearning and HR development fields. In 2015, Birute completed the Nord University Bird ID certification course in Lithuania. 2016-1029 she volunteered in Lithuania’s Ornithologist Society. Birute holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in business management from Vilnius University. Also, has pursued studies in graphic design.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Project management
    • Visual communication
    • Learning and education
    • Nature photography

    Birute says: „While becoming more aware of birds and nature around me, I developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for it. By discussing conservation, I want educate and inspire others to take action. Our individual contributions, when combined, have the power to bring about positive change in the future.”

    Akvilė Galeckaitė

    Environmental specialist




    Akvilė joined the BEF in February 2024 and works as environmental specialist. She completed bachelor’s studies in Ecology at Vilnius University and master’s studies in Nature Management at Copenhagen University. Before she worked as environmental specialist and quality assurance specialist as well as volunteered at multiple organisations, including the BEF in 2019.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Nature and biodiversity conservation;
    • Population viability analysis

    Akvile says: “These days, when human activities alter natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and species within, it is crucial to focus not only in preserving the current state of nature but also restoring what is degraded. Only together with a long-term commitment of people, we could assure the sustainable relationship between human and nature, which we all are responsible for.”

    dr. Domas Uogintas

    Environmental Expert




    Domas is an environmental expert who joined the BEF team in February 2024. His primary responsibilities are related to the protection of open habitats, with a specific focus on designing scientific monitoring schemes and analyzing data. Domas has a PhD in Natural Science. His doctoral thesis evaluated the syntaxonomical, ecological, and phytogeographical aspects of mesic and steppic grassland vegetation. Domas actively participates in research on flora and habitats diversity and ecology.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Conservation of diversity of plant and plant communities
    • Monitoring schemes
    • Data analysis

    Currently on maternity leave

    Kamile Breimelyte-Grajauskiene

    Environmental Communication Expert





    Kamilė joined BEF at the start of 2017. Her main responsibilities here are activities related to communication. Till now Kamilė contributed to the technical activities while planning and organising projects, implementing procurements. She has finished Archival science studies. After completing her Master studies in communication for sustainable development Kamilė got a Master degree of Communication science.

    Fields of expertise:

    • Sustainable development
    • Communication
    • Project and procurement administration

    Kamilė thinks about nature in the words of H. Zinn: “We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world”.