International project BaltSeaPlan aims to introduce and use integrated maritime spatial planning and to create a common strategy vision for all Baltic Sea region countries.

It is the growing pressure on the Baltic Sea space and resources both on and offshore which calls for an urgent and unified action by all countries of the region. Shipping, wind farming, nature protection, mineral extraction and shore protection (climate change) are only examples.

BaltSeaPlan project supports the call of the European Union for its member states to draw up integrated national maritime strategies and implement Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning (IMSP). The project brings together the key players throughout the BSR involved in IMSP.

The project encompasses the following key steps of planning:

  • Stocktaking: Compilation of current sea uses in the BSR. In selected cases; new GIS datasets and maps will be produced to fill existing data gaps;
  • Promotion of data exchange according to the EU INSPIRE directive;
  • Assessment of national frameworks, methodologies and underlying strategies for Maritime Spatial Planning; preparation of various scenarios and proposals for National Maritime Strategies;
  • Development of a common vision for the Baltic Sea taking into account transnational interdependencies and cumulative impacts;
  • Testing of new methods and standards through the realisation of a series of national and cross-border pilot maritime spatial plans;
  • Extensive dissemination and capacity building measures on all levels: stakeholder involvement, participative planning methods, BaltSeaPlan conferences and workshops including networks / experts from within as well as outside the Baltic Sea Region;
  • Preparation of a series of guidelines and policy recommendations within transnational expert groups on i.e. integration of use & environmental data, assessment methodologies; IMSP framework; international cooperation.

Project activities in Lithuania

  • Collection and generalization of data about the current usage of maritime water areas;
  • Needs analysis for new usage of maritime zones;
  • Auditing existing maritime water areas, assessing the need of reviewing these areas;
  • Public awareness raising.


Zymantas Morkvenas
Coordinator of BEF Lithuania activities
Tel. +370 5 255 9145



2009 – 2012


Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)




German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) (Project coordinator)

Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania

Coastal Research and Planning and Planning Institute at Klaipeda University

Various scientific, governmental institutions and NGOs from Germany, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Estonia and Latvia. For a full list please visit