Project idea

The project is carried out by Belarusian IPO “Ecopartnership”and Lithuanian NGO Baltic Environmental Forum. It aims to raise and strengthen environmental awareness, particularly on climate change, among Belarusian youth.

We want to share tools and knowledge on how to understand, measure and reduce personal and organizational environmental impacts and encourage organizations to do their daily business in an environmentally responsible way.

Project results

To strengthen environmental awareness among Belarusian youth we will recruit around 30 young Belarusians and provide them with seminars on climate change, waste management, resource efficiency, environmental impact assessment, sustainable business, corporate social responsibility etc. Also practical training on personal and organizational CO2 footprint calculation and environmental impact reduction measures will be organised. This practical training will allow participants with the support of the experts of project partners  to perform an assessment on environmental performance of 3 selected organisations and calculate their CO2 footprint. It will be followed by specific recommendations and a guide for the public on how to perform these kind of assessments.

The project will not only raise awareness among selected participants, but also perform an environmental awareness campaign for the general public. There will be an active information spread on climate change, environmental impacts, tips on personal CO2 footprint reduction and other relevant topics in general and social media, partners webpages. A big final event is also planned where participants will exchange their experience, lessons learned and define possible ways forward.


Audronė Alijošiutė
Tel. 8 5 215 9288


2020/01 –2021/12


The project is financed by the funds of the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.