Aquatic warbler – globally endangered bird species – lives almost exclusively in the Nemunas river Delta Regional Park polder floodplains and wetlands of Pamarys. In order to protect this bird and other protected species such as stulgys, corncrake and others, favorable conservation status of habitat cites shall be undertaken. It is necessary to carry out the late mowing of wetlands, avoid intensive livestock grazing. Such conditions are not favorable to local farmers as late harvest is unsuitable for animal feed, local heat boiler buy only the very limited amount of biomass. For this reason it is necessary to create a suitable maintenance mechanisms for flooded grassland habitats, as well as to encourage local community members to contribute to the protected bird species of conservation observation locations. Nemunas Delta Regional Park is famous not only for those globally endangered bird species recorded in the territory of even 90 % of bird species living in Lithuania. The restrictions related to this rare bird protection contribute to the negative image of the endangered nature. Therefore, the project will create preconditions for an economically viable flooded grasslands and nature conservation in the Nemunas Delta natural resources as an opportunity to exploit the tourism and provide additional income to the region, while ensuring that the good condition of the region’s biological diversity is an important prerequisite for socio-economic development of disadvantaged regions. The festival that will be organized during the implementation of the project will aim to show the local community that the Neman River Delta valuable habitats can attract nature-loving tourists, whose recreation and nature cognition activities can contribute to local economic development.

Project results

We bought special agricultural equipment, which allows helping farmers to mow the biologically valuable meadows and wetlands. This equipment will give an opportunity for locals to implement late mowing in their fields and the grass unsuitable for fodder or other purposes could be used for biofuel or litter production in the future. High utility agricultural technique will serve  farmers in the late period, helping them to mow the flood meadows and to transport the biomass.

With the help of partners and involvement of local community members we created information material about protected bird species, unique objects and sustainable farming according the needs of local community. Also,  together will local community we organized nature festival “In the middle of the waters”,during which foreign experts shared their experiences about nature tourism development and economic benefits it can bring to the region.

Project news


Zymantas Morkvenas
Project Manager
Tel. +370 5 255 3145


2014/11 – 2017/04


The project is partly financed by the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants and the project partners. Project No. EEE-LT03-AM-01-K-01-012


BEF Lithuania (Project coordinator) 

Nemunas delta regional park
