The aim of the project is reduction of hazardous substances quantities – accumulative, persistent and toxic – in the air, waste and waste water in Vilnius by promoting responsible consumption and raising awareness of people, promoting life-cycle thinking.

Project focus was on the development of environmentally educated and responsibly consuming public education. The project aimed to inform Vilnius city residents, especially school children, about their living environment pollution with hazardous chemicals; means of avoiding such pollution and measures that should be taken in order to reduce the pollution.

Project activities

  • 8 seminars – public lectures was held for the public about hazardous chemicals in everyday life and how to avoid them;
  • 2 lessons for pupils about the product life cycle and how to produce a product that never becomes a waste (classes attended by about 450 students) was held;
  • a creative contest was held in Vilnius kindergarten “Make a furniture for snail EKOLOGIKA”. The contest was participated by 63 groups from 22 kindergartens;
  • a press conference was held about composition and hazardous substances in indoor air, it attracted quite a lot of media interest;
  • held 14 interactive games, “Ekolabirynth” and “Garbage not garbage”, where participants and spectators have been taught to recognise ecolabels and properly sort waste;
  • released handouts about hazardous chemicals that should be avoided while choosing cosmetics and household detergents.


Laura Stančė
Chemical expert
Tel. 8 6 005 3668
E-mail: Laura.Stance[at]bef[dot]lt


2015/08 –2015/12


Vilnius city municipality