Control of Hazardous Substances in the Baltic Sea Region (COHIBA)
There are 11 hazardous substances of specific concern to the Baltic Sea. These are dioxins, tin, brominated compounds, perifluoroctane sulfonate, hexabromocyclododecane, nonylphenols, octylphenols, chlorinated paraffins, endosulphane, Hg, Cd. The information available on the sources, inputs and management options does, however, not allow for development of programmes of measures addressing these substances in the whole Baltic Sea region. There is a need to jointly evaluate the major sources and to quantify the inputs of the target substances to the Baltic Sea in order to be able to develop the measures needed to reduce the levels of contaminants in the Baltic Sea to an acceptable level. There is also still a lack of knowledge especially on the Eastern side of the Baltic Sea to control hazardous substances, both within authorities and industries.
Project activities
- Innovative approaches to chemical controls of hazardous substances;
- Identification of sources and estimation of inputs/impacts on the Baltic Sea;
- Cost effective management options to reduce discharges, emissions and losses of hazardous substances;
- Capacity building and knowledge transfer. More information about previous and upcoming trainings is here.
Juste Kukucione
Environmental expert
Tel. +370 5 215 9287
Part-finaced by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument)
Finnish Environment Institute
The Copenhagen Municipality
Copenhagen Waste Water Treatment Plants
Copenhagen Energy and Technical University of Denmark
Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
Estonian Environmental Research Institute
Tallinn University of Technology
Federal Environment Agency of Germany
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Ministry for Agriculture
Environment and Consumer Protection
Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia
Latvian Institute for Aquatic Ecology
Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania
The Environmental Protection Agency
Institute of Botany
Institute of Ecology of Industrial Areas
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Swedish Chemicals Agency
City of Stockholm
HELCOM Secretariat